A few good pics from the last week. Enjoy.

1. Page hands me a giant bag full of red clothing and informs me that it is my Santa costume for Ford and Cal’s daycare Christmas party. Apparently Insanity hasn’t been doing much for me as the staff fancies me a natural for the gig. Hohohell. Anyway, I open the bag and find the wig/beard combo you see below. Santa? How about Zeus? Moses? Kaczynski? Wow.


2. Went sub-29 minutes in a 5K last weekend. Yeah. Fatboy’s still got it. All while dressed in the clown clothes you see below. Even without the wig and beard, several people cheered “go Santa!” as I barreled through the finish line. Damn. Buoyed by their taunting, I……walked just past them, directly into the free Panera and beer lines.


3. Last but not least, please will you look at this picture. There is nothing better than seeing samples from a daycare picture day, and the latest batch didn’t disappoint. I mean, there were some amazing shots of an out-of-focus Ford with one and a half eyes closed, but this one of Cal below takes the cake. We call it “lost, bloated baby craps pants in woods.” To steal a line from “The League,” he looks like an extra that just got kicked off the set of “Deadwood.” It’s almost worth putting your kids in daycare just to see the picture day samples, I’m telling you.
