So… here we are again.  37 weeks and counting.  And counting.  And counting…

And this time we’re re-launching “The Preggo Page” via WNCN Today in the hopes that it will trigger labor.  Ok, so my bosses are hoping it will trigger ratings.  The labor hopes?  They’re all mine.  And Jake’s.  And probably Ford’s and Cal’s.  Although they would likely change their tunes if they had anything close to a clue about how much their worlds are about to be rocked when this new kid makes his or her big appearance.

Getting this close to labor again made me think back to my first two pregnancies and what we were up to with them.  With Cal it was pretty mild right about now.  But this point at my pregnancy with Ford led to one of my all-time favorite memories at the OBGYN’s office with Jake.  Not that it’s particularly hard to win that contest (“Oh but remember the time you peed in a cup and then they pricked your finger?!  Good times!”), but this visit was one for the record books.  I wrote about it in a post titled, “The Joy of Stirrups.”  Read on and be thankful you’re not the one giving me an OB examination.

But it’s memories like those and all the other ones both captured here and floating around somewhere in our parentally-clouded memory banks that actually made us decide to do this again.  And then it’s pictures like these from last week’s “Bring Your Child to Work Day” at WNCN that make us now wonder what the hell we were thinking.

Oh well… too late now.  Here goes nothin…